Friday, January 16, 2015

Dungeons and Keepers : A sex slave novella.

The last time I updated for this title, I started leaving you guys samples of my upcoming sex slave novella. Well, recently I have started a wattpad and find it is easier to update for me and to view for you guys if I continue to upload there. So, in case you've been waiting, you can view Chapters One to Five here:

Enjoy and stay tuned. Xo.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Post New Years Post

Happy New Years!!
Yes, I realize I'm about two weeks late but it is a my first blog of the new year.

So, I did not make any resolutions nor did I make a timeline for the coming year. But I have done some thinking and have created some goals for myself.

1. Meditate and follow with at least an hour of writing at least 5 days a week.

2. Complete and publish Dungeons and Keepers complete with a non generic cover.

3. Complete, edit, and publish In Death and Purgatory again with non generic cover.

4. Begin offering The Ghosthouse books in paperback form.

5. Post a new poem every week.

I will keep this updated as I begin reaching goals, and replace them with new ones.

I've also created a wattpad, find me here

For now hang in there with me, read, share, and review. I appreciate all of the support I receive.

Until next time.